Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Eternal Verities, Semiotics, and Semantics

A few weeks ago I determined that I would begin blogging, primarily for the purpose of gathering, synthesizing, and coalescing my thoughts, interests, and impressions in one place. Like many others, I am sure, I have moments where certain thought processes lead to particular conclusions about the nature of reality in general and particular. There have been many times in that process that upon further reflection and futile attempts to recall the sum and substance of those thoughts that I catch myself wishing I had taken a moment to record. This blog represents my attempt at doing so. As for the title of this particular blog, it represents my attempt at creating profundity (likely where there is none). Regardless, one thing that I can say about myself, whether good or bad, is that I often attempt to find profundity in the minutiae of life, and am quick to point out that which I see. A couple of weeks ago I was speaking with my parents about life, its complexities, its certainties, uncertainties, and the experiences and moments we find ourselves in within the spectrum it creates. My parents, ever the "goodly parents" listened intently, with unfeigned concern, and empathy as I broke down the layers of analysis that underlies my personality, choices, and conclusions. While going through that process, as if to self-fufill my own prophecy, I caught myself engaging in meta-analysis about my analysis. I relayed that sentiment to my parents with an attempt at explanation. My explanation was that as a perpetually single guy, I am used to conducting a lot of self-introspection on the existential that might not otherwise occur. Additionally, I suggested that it is also product of my predisposition towards philosophical inquiry, which has only been stoked further by my chosen educational endeavors, namely, lawyering, philosophy, religious, political and psychological theory. This brings me back to the title of this particular blog entry and the general title of my blog.

Eternal Verities
One thing that all my educational training and analysis has taught me is that no matter how much one man or groups of men may purport to know and understand, there will always be a limit, a space where uncertainty will exist, an inability to totalize, harmonize, and organize the flux, chaos, and change in existence. However, like all general rules of applicability, there is always an exception. The exception would be stated thusly, "there is no way to totalize the flux, unless and until one first accepts the necessity that there must be eternal verities." Assumptions form the basis for all human reasoning and provide the foundation for further exploration. Much, if not all, of the "truths" we cling to depend on the assumptions that underlie and necessarily lead to corresponding and causal implications. In this sense, there are two narratives, one in which eternal verities exist prior to all human reasoning, and one in which there can be no eternal verities but relativistic happenstance. What one assumes, or more accurately, takes on the basis of faith leads in one direction or the other. Many thinkers my superior have also arrived at these same types of conclusions, echoing the sentiment that "he who knows he knows nothing, knows everything." I would argue that he who knows he knows nothing, knows that under everything must be an eternal verity.

Semiotics is by definition the study of signs, symbolism, likeness, parallels, analogy, metaphor, and typology. For those that are new to this area of study and inquiry, simply put, it is the analysis, recognition, significance, communicative message, and meaning in symbols, whether literary (poetry), literal (the cross), metaphorical (the sacrament), or across time and space (the gathering of the ten tribes). This type of analysis can be done in any form of communication that is laden with symbols, including popular media (movies, music, clothing), rituals (the superbowl, easter, etc.) or architecture (temple symbolism). The main purpose of this type of inquiry is related to the concept of eternal verities in that all things communicate a universal message whether good or bad demand our discernment. Depending on what one assumes about eternal verities, one will either see a web of causally connected themes, images, and ideas that point directly to the ultimate eternal verity, or a series of unconnected, and most likely, unfortunate events. In doing this type of analysis, the reality of eternal verities becomes apparent, and self-evident, such that the truth of things cannot remain hidden.

Often in discussions on various topics, individuals, run into problems created by misunderstandings, miscommunication, and mistake of intent with each other. It may be said that all conflicts whether interpersonal or intrapersonal derive from the most basic problems inherent in the fallibility of human nature and reasoning represented by imperfect language. Language, arguably, is the basis for any human thought, BEFORE, communication of thoughts. It has been suggested and I would assert that language is the basis for human thought and thought is therefore subject to the imperfections we find in the definitions we use. Language itself is subject to changes in time and thought, but yet, generally retains enough substance to allow communication that fosters true understanding. However, to the extent that it does not, semantics, or what a word means, matters almost exclusively. Semantics matter because language is the only way we can convey what we mean, and should not be shrugged off as "just semantics." Regardless, returning to eternal verities, words often do not form the basis for true understanding, as they represent the meaning and intent and designs of the bearer. We have all experienced this type of communication, we all are semioticians in this regard, as we have all had "heart to hearts" with others in which the meanings and designs of the bearer are felt, rather than heard through sensory perception. However, to the extent that our semantics more accurately reflect the designs of our hearts and intents, the more convincing, powerful, and meaningful our communications will be.

I felt it fitting to talk about these three themes that tend to dominate my thinking, life, and concerns, and hereafter my blog entries. I am especially excited to take myself and those who are kind enough to follow through these types of exercises as it relates to religious theology, political science (historical and modern), psychological theory, legal theory, popular media (including comics, movies, music, etc.) and of course Superman! I hope that those who follow will be able to experience each of these three themes in a way never before, and if nothing more than to see how Mateo Johnson thinks . . . like a lawyer.

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